摘要:The European Commission has developed and implemented a wide range of activities under a policy specifi cally designed to support the small and medium enterprises in Europe.This policy is aimed at creating conditions under which small businesses can be established and developed.The EU has a clear goal: to accelerate economic growth and create a lot of new or better jobs.Regarding this,a major role in future will play a small and medium sized enterprises.Seen from the aspect of implementation of the marketing concept,which is the focus of this paper,a small business largely shared the fate of its activities,which may be in the stage of growth,stagnation or decline.Activity may be more or less exposed to various fl uctuations in the market.These factors and product life cycle impact that the production program is treated as a dynamic and not static categories.The ultimate goal of marketing is to persuade consumers to choose a product or service enterprises,in addition to existing supply of competition.An effective way to gain insight into the process of purchasing decisions is a model of customers’ behavior.These models can be of varying complexity depending on market conditions.
其他摘要:Evropska Komisija razvila je i implementira široki spektar aktivnosti u okviru politike specifično projektovane za pružanje podrške sektoru malih i srednjih preduzeća u Evropi.Ovakva politika usmerena je ka kreiranju uslova pod kojim mala preduzeća mogu da se osnivaju i razvijaju.EU ima jasan cilj: da ubrza ekonomski rast i kreira mnoštvo novih ili boljih radnih mesta.U tom smislu,glavnu ulogu će u narednom periodu odigrati mala i srednje velika preduzeća.Posmatrano sa aspekta implementacije marketing koncepta,a što je u fokusu ovog rada,malo preduzeće dobrim delom deli sudbinu svoje delatnosti koja može biti u fazi rasta,stagnacije ili opadanja.Delatnost može više ili manje biti izložena raznim oscilacijama na tržištu.Ti faktori,kao i životni ciklus proizvoda,utiču na to da se proizvodni program tretira kao dinamička,a ne statička kategorija.Krajnji cilj marketinga je da nagovori potrošača da odabere proizvod ili usluge preduzeća,pored postojeće ponude konkurencije.Efi kasan način za dobijanje uvida u proces odluke o kupovini je model kupčevog ponašanja.Ovi modeli mogu biti različite složenosti u zavisnosti od uslova tržišta.
关键词:Marketing;Small and medium sized enterprises;The EU;Competitiveness;Market.
其他关键词:Marketing;Mala i srednja preduzeća;Evropska Unija;Konkurentnost;Ttržište.