摘要:In addition to the usual communication channels between companies and countries,the World’s Fair is one of the ways of modern communication.Over the years the importance of international exhibitions has grown into a grandiose sets,with outstanding importance for international economic,scientifi c,technological and cultural exchanges.The idea that in one area of the play received a number of countries in its character,diversity and grandeur over time,bringing each new exhibition and new ideas,new technology and innovative solutions.How the World’s Fair,increased the number of participants and visitors,creating the new ideas and concepts to show that tried to provide answers to the problems of modern man.Life in urban,overcrowded cities and the question of a better life in the hectic urban environment,a logical sequence in the evolution of World s Exhibition.First world exposition of the topic,EXPO 2010.in Shanghai,has attracted over 180 countries and cities around the world gathered around the theme “Better City,Better Life”.During the six months,the participating countries have tried in an innovative way to present their vision of a modern city,exchanging different ideas about the development of urban settlements,multiculturalism,science and technology,living and working in big cities.At the same time,exchange ideas and experience will try to answer the question asked and the creation of higher quality and better life in modern cities.We are confi dent that the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai,the largest so far organized the exhibition was an exceptional and unforgettable journey through world capitals.
其他摘要:Pored uobičajenih komunikacijskih kanala među kompanijama i državama,Svetske izložbe predstavljaju jedan od načina savremene komunikacije.Tokom godina značaj svetskih izložbi je prerastao u grandiozne skupove,sa izuzetnim značajem za međunarodnu ekonomsku,naučnu,tehnološku i kulturnu razmenu.Ideja da se na jednom prostoru predstavi veliki broj zemalja dobijala je na svom značaju,raznolikosti i grandioznosti tokom vremena,donoseći svakom novom izložbom i nove ideje,nova tehnološka dostignuća i inovativna rešenja.Kako su Svetske izložbe rasle po broju učesnika i posetilaca,stvarale su se i nove ideje i koncepti izložbi,koje bi pokušale da pruže odgovore na probleme savremenog čoveka.Život u urbanim,prenaseljenim gradovima i pitanje boljeg života u užurbanoj gradskoj sredini,logičan je sled u evoluciji Svetskih izložbi.Prva Svetska izložba na temu grada,EXPO 2010.u Šangaju,privukla je preko 180 zemalja i gradova sveta okupljenih oko teme “Bolji grad,bolji život“.Tokom šest meseci,zemlje učesnice su na inovativan način pokušale da predstave svoje viđenje modernog grada,razmenjujući različite ideje o razvoju urbanih naselja,multikulturalnosti,nauci i tehnologiji,životu i radu u velikim metropolama.Istovremeno,razmena ideja i iskustava pokušaće da odgovori i na postavljano pitanje stvaranja kvalitetnijeg i boljeg života u današnjim gradovima.Sigurni smo da je EXPO 2010 u Šangaju,kao najveća do sad organizovana izložba,bila izuzetno i nezaboravno putovanje po svetskim metropolama.