摘要:Th ere are many factors that have infl uence on a consumer.Th ose factors are basically divided into external and internal factors.Th e main objective of this study was to determine which factors have greater impact on consumers when it comes to their purchasing decisions.Th e assumption in this paper was that internal factors have greater imact on consumer behavior in relation to external factors.Th e survey was conducted using a sample of 205 respondents.Studies have shown that internal factors have a greater infl uence and imapact on consumers in relation to external factors.It is important to shed light on consumer behavior and on structure of deferent aspects of the internal and external factors that have impact on buying decisions.
其他摘要:Na potrošača u marketingu i na njihovo ponašanje prilikom kupovine utiču mnogi faktori koji se u osnovi dijele na dve grupe,na eksterne i interne faktore.Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi koji faktori faktori imaju veći uticaj na odluku potrošača o kupovini.Pretpostavka se bazira na prednosti koja se daje internim faktorima,što bi značilo da se pretpostavlja da interni faktori imaju veći uticaj na potrošače u odnosu na eksterne faktore kada je u pitanju odluka o kupovini.Za potrebe istraživanja izvršeno je anketiranje 205 ispitanika.Istraživanja su pokazala da interni faktori imaju veći uticaj na potrošače prilikom odluke o kupovini u odnosu na eksterne faktore.
关键词:marketing;consumer;internal and external factors;purchasing desicions
其他关键词:marketing;potrošač;interni i eksterni faktori;odluka o kupovini