摘要:Sa razvojem svjetskog tržišta dolazi do naglog rasta fi nansijskih prevara,što umanjuje objektivnost i pouzdanost fi nansijskog izvještavanja.U nastojanju da se smanji broj prevara i tako vrati povjerenje u fi nansijske izvještaje,došlo je do nastanka novog pravca u računovodstvu koji se naziva forenzičko računovodstvo.Forenzičko računovodstvo se bavi detaljnim i dubljim ispitivanjem regularnosti poslovanja preduzeća sa svrhom otkrivanja fi nansijskih prevara,kao i sankcionisanja počinioca,kroz prikupljanje dokaza prihvatljivih za sud.Radom se želi istražiti potreba razvoja profesionalnog forenzičkog računovodstva,kako zbog porasta tradicionalnog i novog kriminala,tako i zbog nedostatka specijalnih znanja i iskustava postojećih nadzornih i izvršnih tijela u procesu istraga i davanja mišljenja o nedozvoljenim radnjama.Shodno tome,cilj ovog rada je da analizira pojam i cilj forenzičkog računovodstva,kao i da se utvrde poslovi forenzičkog računovođe i odnosi revizije i forenzičkog računovodstva.U tu svrhu korištene su metoda analize i sinteze,dok se kod utvrđivanja predmeta forenzičkog računovodstva koristila metoda deskripcije.
其他摘要:Th e development of the world market leads to the rapid growth of fi nancial frauds,which reduces the objectivity and reliability of fi nancial reporting.In an eff ort to reduce fraud and thus restore confi dence in the fi nancial statements,a new direction has emerged in accounting,called forensic accounting.Forensic accounting is engaged in detailed and thorough examination of the regularity of business operations for the purpose of detecting fi nancial frauds,as well as sanctioning the perpetrator,through the collection of evidence acceptable to the court.Due to the increase in traditional and new types of crimes,and due to the lack of special knowledge and experience of the existing supervisory and executive bodies in the investigation process and giving opinions on forbidden activities this paper aims to explore the need for development of professional forensic accounting.Consequently,the aim of this paper is to analyze the concept and objective of forensic accounting,as well as to determine the activities of forensic accountants and relation between audit and forensic accounting.For this purpose were used methods of analysis and synthesis,while in case of determining the forensic accounting subject was used descriptive method.