摘要:In order to validate the research instrument used to identify student perceptions of the quality of service provided by higher education institutions in the Republika Srpska- (Pan-European Apeiron University in Banja Luka,University of Banja Luka,University of East Sarajevo,Prijedor College of Medicine and University of Business Studies Banja Luka) (within a broader empirical study),its metric characteristics were determined.In our study,respondents expressed their estimation by choosing one of the positions on a fi ve-point Likert scale.Th e numerical values of the ordinal scale arranged in this way corresponded to the intensity of the assessment of thirty service indicators,namely: 1 (much less than my expectations);2 (less than my expectations);3 (according to my expectations);4 (more than my expectations);5 (signifi cantly more than my expectations).Th e value evaluation of the response is interpreted in accordance with the rule: (a) the perception of the quality of service “as expected” (if the scalar average is close to the quantitative value of three),(b) the perception of the quality of the service “below expectations” (when the scalar average is well below quantitative values of three),(c) perception of service quality “above expectations” (if it is a scalar average well above quantitative value of three) (Klarić & Kulišan,2011).Also,in order to rank the importance of indicators,in manifest space,values of scalar averages (Mean) are used in interpretation (Nešić et al.,2017).Th e questionnaire,based on the HEDUQUAL scale,was tested using two procedures: (1) factor analysis (Principal Components Analysis,Direct Oblimin) and (2) Scale Reliability Analysis - based on Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cient).Th e sample of respondents consisted of a population of students attending one of the higher education institutions in the Republika Srpska,a total of 863 students (M = 265;F = 598) with an average age of 21.5 years.Th e results obtained confi rm the good metric of the scale,both in terms of validity (KMO = 0.972;Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity = 14292.613;Sig.= 0.000) and in the context of its reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.966).All statistical inferences were conducted at a signifi cance level of 0.05 (Sig.<,05).Th e good metric characteristics of the instrument defi ned the quality basis for further analytical observations of the study results.
其他摘要:U cilju validacije istraživačkog instrumenta koji je primijenjen radi identifi kacije studentske percepcije kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih ustanova na području Republike Srpske (u okviru šire empirijske studije) izvršeno je utvrđivanje njegovih metrijskih karakteristika.Upitnik,čiju je osnovu sačinjavala HEDUQUAL skala,podvrgnut je testiranju primjenom dva postupka: (1) faktorskom analizom (analiza glavnih komponenti – Principal Components Analysis,sa metodom kose rotacije - Direct Oblimin) i (2) provjerom unutrašnje saglasnosti skale (Scale Reliability Analysis - zasnovane na Kronbahovom alfa koefi cijentu).Uzorak ispitanika činila je populacija studenata koji pohađaju neku od visokoškolskih ust anova na području Republike Srpske,ukupno 863 studenta (M=265;Ž=598) prosječne starosti 21,5 godina.Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju dobru metriku skale,kako u pogledu validnosti (KMO = 0,972;Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity = 14292,613;Sig.=0,000),tako i u kontekstu njene relijabilnosti (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,966).Sva statistička zaključivanja sprovedena su na nivou značajnosti od 0,05 (Sig.<,05).Dobre metrijske karakteristike instrumenta defi nisale su kvalitetnu osnovu za dalje analitičke opservacije rezultata studije.
关键词:quality of services;rating scale;metric characteristics.