标题:Scope of Intelligence Approcahes for Unit Commitment Under Uncertain Sustainable Energy Environment For Effective Vehicle To Grid Operations-A Comprehensive Review
摘要:Electric vehicles are getting popularity as these are eco-friendly and could be a part of power sector in the future. Electric Vehicles are the smart hybrid vehicles, which stores electric power during their operation, which could be stored in storage cells. These electric vehicles may be plug-in electric vehicles or battery operated electric vehicles. The concept of aggregators may be utilized, wherein the stored energy in vehicles could be supplied to grid during parking hours .This also facilitate the consumers to sale power during the high power demand and purchase power during low power demand. Thus, a bi-directional flow of power could be possible either from vehicle to grid or vice-versa. A large penetration of electric vehicles could result in increase in power demand which could be compensated by proper coordinated unit commitment and optimization techniques. The increasing load on grid by the impact of demand and trends in small generating units which require proper selection of number of generating units to put in line and other units in off condition calls for the concept of unit commitment. It is the selection of more efficient units to be in service and shutting down the other unit while maintaining all the other constraint constant. This would result in effective power flow in an economic manner, simultaneously maintaining the adequacy and reliability of the system. The proposed research represents the scope of intelligence algorithm for unit commitment problem with effective solution of vehicle to grid operations along with sustainable energy for realistic power system.