摘要:Background and Objective: Recording linear traits in a dairy breeding program by scoring the traits have become a more common practice in developed countries where certified classifiers are available. Estimating the genetic parameters of linear traits (measured directly on the animals) of Holstein cows population raised by BBPTUHPT Baturraden of Indonesia was the aim of this paper. Materials and Methods: A total 323 lactating primiparous Holstein cows were measured for 6 linear traits (angularity, stature, body depth, rump angle, rump width and chest width) and 6,961 animals in the pedigree were included. The systematic environmental factors included month and year of birth. The variance component analysis was performed by using Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (REML) incorporated in DMU program. Results: The means of stature, angularity, chest width, body depth, rump angle and rump width were all within intermediate category. The heritability estimates of the corresponding linear traits ranged from small to medium where angularity and rump width had the lowest and highest heritability, respectively. The phenotypic correlations were very low and varied where angularity-rump width and angularity-rump angle are having the smallest and biggest coefficient of correlation, respectively. The genetic correlation were also very low and varied being chest width-angularity and rump angle-angularity to have the smallest and highest coefficient of correlation. Conclusion: The new approach of recording the linear traits by measuring directly the traits is possible with reasonable variability. The considerable magnitude of heritabilities indicates that the traits will respond to a selection program incorporating those linear traits. The nearly zero estimates of the correlations could be improved by using a more complete pedigree file in the analysis.
关键词:Genetic parameters; linear traits; restricted maximum likelihood; animal model; genetic correlation; phenotypic correlation; Holstein cows