摘要:The recent increase in the size of container ships has resulted in lower natural frequency of the hull girder vertical bending and torsional vibrations; this has caused great concern regarding excessive whipping in these responses to incident waves. To accurately account for whipping in ship design, it is important to understand the relationship between the whipping response and sea states in which the ship operates. However, this specific topic has been reported little to date. In this study, we quantitatively analyze the influence of various sea states and navigational conditions on the whipping response in hull girder bending vibration and torsional vibration based on full-scale measurement. Moreover, a simple estimation method is proposed for fatigue damage using the relationship between whipping and sea states/navigational conditions. By providing quantitative analysis of the relationship between whipping and sea states/navigational conditions, our study will contribute to future ship design to ensure better operation safety and longer hull life.