摘要:Many different equations ranging from simple empirical to semi‐analytical solutions of the Richards equation have been proposed for quantitative description of water infiltration into variably saturated soils. The sorptivity, S , and the saturated hydraulic conductivity, K s , in these equations are typically unknown and have to be estimated from measured data. In this paper, we use so‐called characteristic time ( t char ) to design a new method, referred to as the characteristic time method (CTM) that estimates S , and K s , from one‐dimensional (1D) cumulative infiltration data. We demonstrate the usefulness and power of the CTM by comparing it with a suite of existing methods using synthetic cumulative infiltration data simulated by HYDRUS‐1D for 12 synthetic soils reflecting different USDA textural classes, as well as experimental data selected from the Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) database. Results demonstrate that the inferred values of S and K s are in excellent agreement with their theoretical values used in the synthetically simulated infiltration experiments with Nash–Sutcliffe criterion close to unity and RMSE values of 0.04 cm h −1/2 and 0.05 cm h −1 , respectively. The CTM also showed very high accuracy when applied on synthetic data with added measurement noise, as well as robustness when applied to experimental data. Unlike previously published methods, the CTM does not require knowledge of the time validity of the applied semi‐analytical solution for infiltration and, therefore, is applicable to infiltrations with durations from 5 min to several days. A script written in Python of the CTM method is provided in the supplemental material.
关键词:CF2; two-term curve-fitting model; CF3; three-term curve-fitting model; CTM; characteristic time method; 1D; one-dimensional; QEI; quasi-exact implicit; SH; Sharma; SWIG; Soil Water Infiltration Global; VGM; van Genuchten–Mualem.