摘要:The University ofLethbridgeisa medium-sized, primarily undergraduate,comprehensiveresearch university on the Canadian Prairies inAlberta. It hasasmall but growing graduateschool, withinwhichmoststudentsarestudying at the masters level. For many years, the graduatestudentelected representative body, the Graduate Students Association (GSA), has sponsored an annualrefereed conference, Meeting ofthe Minds. In 2015 the GSAdecided to supplement thisconference with an accompanying journal,also called Meeting ofthe Minds. Thisarticle discusses thelessons learned in establishing this journaland overseeing its first two years of operations (and first year of publication). Thearticleconcentrates on two sets of problems: 1) philosophical,economic,and sociologicalissues thataroseat theconceptuallevelwhileestablishing a multidisciplinary, institution-focused graduatejournal;and 2) technical, bibliographic, organizational,and economicissuesencountered in attempting to address these conceptualconcernsand ensurethelong-termviability oftheresearch accepted and published. Although thejournalwas notableto solveallthe problems thatarose during thefirst two years of operation, severalsolutions on the organizational, technological,economic,and bibliographic levels were developed thatmight be used by othersestablishing similar scholar- or student-led journals.