摘要:Developments in emergent technology offer innovativesolutions for facilitating a hybrid reviewprocess; weexaminea uniquecombination of private–peerand open–publicreviewuniquely relevant for disseminating thescholarship ofteaching and learning (SoTL) through development of theJournal ofInstructionalResearch (JIR). An analysis ofthe hybrid reviewprocess (combining thestrengths oftraditional peer reviewwith an integrative publicreviewprocess) revealed substantialreviewer participation thatcontributed to a well–rounded,engaged reviewprocess. Public reviewfeedback constructively addressed the valueand relevance oftheimplications, methodology,contentand written quality ofthe manuscripts; an additionallayer of private, peer reviewfurther refined the manuscripts to determinesuitability for publication. This, in turn,created aspace whererefinement ofcontent, structure,and design ofSoTL researchwasachieved through an interactive process ofscholarly inquiry and dialogue.