标题:Aligning Open Access Publication with Research and Teaching Missions of the Public University: The Case of The Lethbridge Journal Incubator (If 'if's and 'and's were pots and pans)
摘要:The LethbridgeJournalIncubator isajoint project ofthe University ofLethbridge Library, School ofGraduate Studies,and Faculty ofArtsand Science. Its goalis to address theissue ofthesustainability of gold open access journals by aligning the publication process with theeducational and researchmissions ofthe public University. In this way, the open access publication, which is morecommonly understood asacostcenter that draws resourcesaway froma host university'score missions, is transformed into asustainable, high-impact resourcethat improves retention and recruitment. It does this by providing graduatestudents with early experience with scholarly publishing (a proven contributor to in- and postprogramstudentsatisfaction and career success), highly-soughtafter research and technicalskills,and projectmanagementexperience. Thisarticle providesa background to the problemoffinancing gold open access publication and reports on theexperience oftheresearchers responsiblefor establishing theincubatoras it leaves itsexperimental phaseand becomesacenter ofthe University.