摘要:Thisarticlecontributes to the discussion of digital versus physical booksand sharpens focus on theconsumers of books. Usingmixed methods, the articleexplores theemotionalrelationship between books, information and technology and provides newinsight into theimportance of habits, the impact of booksas symbols ofstatus, formatchoiceand technology acceptance. Thestudy looksat whatare determining factors when choosing a format for reading,and howe-booksand physical bookscompareto each other. Respondents report that theirability to relaxwith the book is reduced when reading an e-book and that thejoy and comfort ofreading a book are diminished when reading on ascreen. Theresultsconfirmand extend previous research in thisareaand suggest thatemotional valueshould beincluded in technology acceptancestudies for digitalreading.
关键词:Physical books;e-books;adoption; technology acceptance; Digital products; mixed methods.