标题:On the Green's function emergence from interferometry of seismic wave fields generated in high-melt glaciers: implications for passive imaging and monitoring
摘要:30 Hz) direct and refracted P waves in addition to the fundamental mode of dispersive Rayleigh waves above 1 Hz. From seismic velocity measurements, we invert bed properties and depth profiles and map seismic anisotropy, which is likely introduced by crevassing. In Greenland, we employ an advanced preprocessing scheme which includes match-field processing and eigenspectral equalization of the cross spectra to remove the moulin source signature and reduce the effect of inhomogeneous wave fields on the GFs. At Gornergletscher, cross-correlations of icequake coda waves show evidence for homogenized incident directions of the scattered wave field. Optimization of coda correlation windows via a Bayesian inversion based on the GF cross coherency and symmetry further promotes the GF estimate convergence. This study presents new processing schemes on suitable array geometries for passive seismic imaging and monitoring of glaciers and ice sheets.