标题:Incorporación de las competencias básicas a la educación física en educación primaria / Integrating Basic Competences into Physical Education (Pe) in Primary Education
其他标题:Integrating Basic Competences into Physical Education (Pe) in Primary Education
期刊名称:Revista international de medicina y ciencias de la actividad fisica y del deporte
出版社:CV Ciencias del Deporte RedIRIS
摘要:El objeto de este estudio fue evaluar la percepción de los maestros de Educación Física (EF) del Principado de Asturias sobre el proceso de incorporación de las competencias básicas (CCBB) en el currículo del área. Un total de 151 maestros de EF (46,6% de la población) contestaron a un cuestionario ad hoc compuesto por 12 ítems mediante una escala Likert de 6 puntos. Los resultados mostraron una plena incorporación de las CCBB a las programaciones, sin embargo, el nivel de desarrollo en la práctica resulta ser más bajo. Ser mujer, joven y contar con una elevada formación específica emergieron como factores diferenciales del trabajo competencial. Las competencias de carácter transversal fueron valoradas de mayor relevancia que las relacionadas con determinadas áreas curriculares. Se discute la profundidad del cambio emprendido por los docentes y el supuestamente requerido. Finalmente, se abordan sus implicaciones de cara al tipo de formación específica. PALABRAS CLAVE Competencias básicas, educación física, Educación Primaria, programación docente. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess Primary Education Physical Education (PE) teachers’ perspectives of the process of incorporating the Basic Competences (BBCC) into the curriculum of the Principality of Asturias. A total of 151 PE teachers (46.6% of the whole population) answered an ad hoc questionnaire of 12 items using a 6-point Likert scale. The results showed a full incorporation of the BBCC in the PE program. However, the degree of development in practice turned out to be lower. Being female, young, and having a high-level and specific training emerged as differentiating factors. Cross-cutting skills were valued more than those related to the specific curricular areas. The depth of change undertaken by the teachers compared to the required changed are discussed. Finally, implications to address specific training are also introduced. KEY WORDS Basic Competences, Physical Education, Primary Education, teaching program.
其他摘要:The purpose of this study was to assess Primary Education Physical Education (PE) teachers’ perspectives of the process of incorporating the Basic Competences (BBCC) into the curriculum of the Principality of Asturias. A total of 151 PE teachers (46.6% of the whole population) answered an ad hoc questionnaire of 12 items using a 6-point Likert scale. The results showed a full incorporation of the BBCC in the PE program. However, the degree of development in practice turned out to be lower. Being female, young, and having a high-level and specific training emerged as differentiating factors. Cross-cutting skills were valued more than those related to the specific curricular areas. The depth of change undertaken by the teachers compared to the required changed are discussed. Finally, implications to address specific training are also introduced.