期刊名称:Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
出版社:University of Surrey, Department of Sociology
摘要:This paper reports on an Agent-Based Model. The purpose of developing this model is to describe ‘the uptake of low carbon and energy eicient technologies and practices by households and under dierent interventions’. There is a particular focus on modelling non-financial incentives as well as the influence of social networks as well as the decision making by multiple types of agents in interaction, i.e. recommending agents and sales agents, not just households. The decision making model for householder agents is inspired by the Consumat approach, as well as some of those recently applied to electric vehicles. A feature that dierentiates this model is that it also represents information agents that provide recommendations and sales agents that proactively sell energy eicient products. By applying the model to a number of scenarios with policies aimed at increasing the adoption of solar hot water systems, a range of questions are explored, including whether it is more eective to incentivise sales agents to promote solar hot water systems, or whether it is more eective to provide a subsidy directly to households; or in fact whether it is better to work with plumbers so that they can promote these systems. The resultant model should be viewed as a conceptual structure with a theoretical and empirical grounding, but which requires further data collection for rigorous analysis of policy options.
关键词:Energy Eiciency; Policy Assessment; Innovation Diusion; Solar Hot Water; Consumat; Ex-Ante