标题:Privacidade como ameaça à segurança pública: uma história de empreendedorismo moral | Privacy as a threat to public security: A story of moral entrepreneurship
其他标题:Privacy as a threat to public security: A story of moral
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:The article deals with the relationship
between privacy and public security,
based on the speech by US (such as
President Barack Obama and his Director
of National Intelligence) and Brazil
authorities (such as the deputies who
signed the recently approved Cybercrime
Report) on the importance of monitoring
and access to personal data in order to
combat a range of criminal activities. The
hypothesis is that privacy as a "threat" is
the result of a "moral crusade" (in terms
of Howard S. Becker) that masks the
prospects for political control and
economic advantages derived from
digital communication surveillance
其他关键词:Privacy; Public Security;
Surveillance; Moral Entrepeneurship;