标题:Modelo de Maturidade para Repositórios Digitais: um caminho para sua adoção na gestão de dados de pesquisa | Digital Repositories Maturity Model: a way to its adoption in Research Data Management
其他标题:Digital Repositories Maturity Model: a way to its adoption in
Research Data Management
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:Open access to research outcomes and
data obtained in Science and Technology
production has risen debates about the
adoption and use of sharing tools for
those outcomes. This research proposes
a maturity model that unifies trusted
document repositories and data
repositories to form a notion of an
integrated digital repository, setting this
institution on a maturity level regarding
these scientific production sharing tools.
It also presents studies on these maturity
models as ways to evaluate the quality of
those data repositories. It adopts the
CMMI model as a reference, relating to its
respective levels. It presents a study on
trustworthy repositories and evaluation
criteria and concludes with the
incorporation of FAIR principles into the
evaluating process. Using a combination
of methods to develop its investigation,
the research proposes the use of this
maturity model to evaluate Rio de Janeiro
state repositories. Finally, it proposes the
consummation of its results using an
evaluation scheme structured in maturity
levels, which includes an evaluation
method for integrated repositories.
其他关键词:Maturity Model; Digital
Repository; Quality Management; Open
Science; Trustworthy Repository; FAIR