Echinoderms collected by CIOHINVEMAR- SMITHSONIAN expedition from Cartagena to Golfo de Urabá, Colombian Caribbean. 22 Echinoderm species collected in 21 statjons using a semiballoon trawling net from Cartagena to Golfo de Urabá, between 30 and 380 m depth by the 1995 CIOHINVEMAR- SMITHSONIAN expedition are listed, diagnosed and iIIustrated. The species included two crinoids, seven asteroids, five ofiuroids, four equinoids and four holothuroids, Astropecten nitidus Verrill, Plutonaster agassizi agassizi (Verrill), Tethyaster grandis (Verrill) and Leptopentacta deichmannae Domantay are first records to the Caribbean sea, and Astropecten alligator Perrier, Anthenoides piercei Perrier, Amphiodia atra (Stimpson), Amphilimna olivacea (Lyman), Ophiomusium acuferum Lyman, Araeosoma fenestratum (Wyville - Thomson) y Molpadia parva Théel are first records for the Colombian Caribbean. Grouping analysis between stations, based in presence - absence data, evidenced a pattern of stations relationships according depth. However, data are insufficient for determining zonation schemes in the area.