摘要:The study is devoted to the issues of forming the concept of a mixed residential environment. The relevance of the research topic is due to the growth in housing construction in commuter belts of megacities and adjacent territories. Relevance of the study is also substantiated by such prerequisites as uneven distribution of housing among various categories of citizens, problems of territory insecurity with the whole complex of infrastructure necessary for the population, problems of significant territorial remoteness of jobs from places of residence. Moreover, a faceless, depressing and largely anti-human environment is created during the development of large territories due to the architecturally unattractive, heterogeneous, non-ergonomic high-rise high-density buildings. All the above-mentioned reasons cause the necessity for searching for new methods of organizing residential development that is comfortable for citizens and cost-effective for the developer. The scientific novelty of the study is to justify and define an integrated approach to understanding mixed residential development, to propose the principles, methods and tools of mixed residential development in the integrated development of the territory in the commuter belts of the metropolis, based on the most progressive foreign analogues studied. Also, scientific novelty lies in studying the index of mixed use according to the world analogues of the projects of Integrated Territory Development and recommendations on implementing this approach in Russia when planning projects of the Integrated Territory Development (ITD).