摘要:Increase of operating efficiency of mine energy complexes is an actual scientific and technical problem. Systems that utilize energy of low-potential sources and have freon-steam turbines are suggested to be included in mine energy complexes. Principles of selection of freons as working fluids in energy systems are suggested in the paper. Usage of some thermal equations of state for defining thermal and physical properties of freons is analyzed. Equation of isentropic process for the thermal Redlich–Kwong equation of state is obtained. Calculation of energy efficiency of a system with a freon-steam turbine for selected variants of usage of working fluids is performed. A calculation method of thermodynamic parameters that are necessary for energy conversion efficiency estimation of specific freons in a system of useful utilization of energy is developed. Analysis of results indicates that usage of ozone-safe and fire-safe freons in energy utilization systems of low-potential sources with a possibility of utilization of additional waste heat, which was not used in the past, allows increasing the operating efficiency of mine energy complexes.