标题:Optimization of Sulfur Soaking Water on Mechanical Properties and Physical Properties of Woven Petung Bamboo ( Dendrocalamus asper Backer ex Heyne) Strips
摘要:There are about 60 species of bamboo belonging to family gramineae found in Indonesia, which is one of them is Petung bamboo ( Dendrocalamus asper ). Bamboo has the potential to produce environmentally friendly engineering materials. The strength and durability of the material can be increased through the immersion process using chemical or natural solutions, such as sulphur water because it is known to contain carbon elements high enough to support strength increase. The research was started by making thick bamboo slats 1 mm thick, 250 mm long, 10 mm wide, and then woven in plain shapes of 250 mm × 250 mm, then dried at 110 °C for 60 min then immersed in sulfur water. For tensile test using the ASTM D638-02 standart, ASTM D790-02 bending test, ASTM D5942-96 impact test. The test results show the tensile strength increased 89.17 %, bending strength increased 59.90 % and impact strength increased 1.59 %. The highest value of the mechanical test results occurred in sample 1 AB3, while the lowest mechanical test value occurred in 1 TP sample. The microstructure of the 1 TP sample shows a pointed and smooth fracture shape while the sample 1 AB3 has an increasingly blunt fracture shape with fine threads.
关键词:Bamboo strips; mechanical strength; microstructure; sulfur