摘要:The difficulties associated with the hydrometallurgical processing of refractory ores and some methods of their solution are discussed in the article. Difficulties associated with leaching of goldcopper ores are characterized. Gold and copper content is 0.5 ppm and 0.37 % respectively in the primary ores of the Malmyzh deposit. The ore is characterized as low grade. The geotechnology method of heap leaching is feasible for low grade ores processing. The characteristics of ore material favorable for heap leaching are listed in the paper. The current trends in ore preparation for heap leaching are briefly described. Hydrodynamic parameters of spraying are one of the important aspects influencing the process result. The hydrodynamic regimes implemented in the processes of heap leaching are listed and methods for determining the rational irrigation regime and the method of feeding the solution are given. Technological studies are required for any type of ore to assess the feasibility of heap leaching. Typically, technological studies begin with laboratory stage, then large-scale research are performed and the pilot-plant tests allows assessing the feasibility of the technology on the industrial scale. In this study, laboratory scale column leaching research were carried out. A method of activation chloride leaching with sulfuric acid-peroxide pre-oxidation was developed and tested. The leaching solutions were activated by the method of electro-photo-chemical activation with sequential electrolysis and ultraviolet irradiation. As a result of the experiment, 68-80% copper recovery was achieved.