ABSTRACT The Hearing and Speech Sciences in Educational Environment is the area of performance that aims at promoting educational actions directed to the school community in different life cycles, taking into account the socio-educational reality of those involved, from studies comprising the health and education context of that population. Purpose To map the profile of Brazilian Speech Therapists who report acting in Educational Speech Therapy, with regard to aspects related to training, performance and professional experience. Methods Retrospective study, based on secondary database analysis of the Federal Council of Hearing and Speech Sciences on the questionnaires reporting acting with Educational Environment. Results 312 questionnaires were completed, of which 93.3% by women aged 30-39 years. Most Speech Therapists continued the studies, opting mostly for specialization. Almost 50% of respondents, have worked for less than six years with the speciality, most significantly in the public service (especially municipal) and private area. Conclusion The profile of the Speech Therapists active in the Educational area in Brazil is a professional predominantly female, who values to continue their studies after graduation, looking mostly for specialization in the following areas: Audiology and Orofacial Motor. The time experience of the majority is up to 10 years of work whose nature is divided mainly in public (municipal) and private schools. The performance of Speech Therapists in the Educational area concentrates in Elementary and Primary school, with varied workload.