摘要:This qualitative research aims to presenta profile of children who manifest excessive aggressiveness in the classroom, consideringtheaspects of their subjectivity andtheirsurroundings.We analyzed 10 children from a municipal kindergarten, between 4 and 6 years old.The data were collected through questionnaires applied to parents and teachers of these children.The obtained resultswill be discussed mainly based on the theoretical framework of Donald Woods Winnicott(1975,1982,1992,2000,2005).In this article, which presents and discusses the data regarding teachers' questionnaires, it is understood that the most children manifest stubbornness, have difficulties in following rules, do not like to be contradicted and lack boundaries, showing, thus, low tolerance for frustration.In addition, there have been several marks in thelife storyof the participating children, some permeated by affective lossandfamily violence.
关键词:Agressividade Infantil;Educação Infantil;Perfil de Crianças com Agressividade.