摘要:Three episodes of strong basal motion occurred at Trapridge Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada, on 11 June 1995 following the establishment of a connected subglacial drainage system. Responses to these “spring events” are noted in the records for 42 instruments and were recorded throughout the ∼60 000 m 2 study area. Strong basal motion during the events is indicated by ploughmeter, load-bolt and vertical-strain records, and abrupt pressure changes in several transducer records denote damage caused by extreme pressure pulses. These pressure pulses, generated by the abrupt basal motion, also resulted in the failure of seven pressure sensors. Records for pressure, turbidity and conductivity sensors indicate that basal drainage patterns did not change significantly during the events. Geophone records suggest that the episodes of basal motion were precipitated by the gradual failure of a “sticky spot” following hydraulic connection of part of the study area. This failure resulted in the transfer of basal stress to the unconnected region of the bed during the course of the events. No evidence for strong basal motion is seen in the instrument records for several weeks following the events, suggesting that the mechanical adjustments resulted in a stable configuration of basal stresses. This event illustrates how unstable situations can be quickly accommodated by mechanical adjustments at the glacier bed.