摘要:{Abstract } This article investigated the scientific production of the Journal of Management and Innovation, through bibliometric and sociometric research, using descriptive statistics held in the collection of the journal. We analyzed 197 articles from 2004 to 2011. The main conclusions of this work were: Souza, M. T. S, and Pereira, R S, have high degree centrality and brokerage. Institutions of Higher Education, Uninove, USP, {FGV} (SP) and {UFRGS} have high degree centrality. In short, in general, there was poor centralization of the network of social institutions and the network of co-authorship. The research of Porter, Yin, Hamel, Nelson and Schumpeter were the most cited publications and topics that most appeared during the eight years studied were: sectoral studies and technology, business and organizational innovation, organizational networks, marketing, and entrepreneurship SMEs.