期刊名称:Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
摘要:A fast, eastward signal in the surface zonal winds of the equatorial Pacific ocean is identifiedin ERS-1 data that coincide with an intraseasonal tropical oscillation during the intensiveobserving period of TOGA COARE. The fast eastward event is compared with observationsfor the same time period from the TAO moorings at the equator. Similar events are identifiedin longer records of the ERS-1 and TAO data. A composite event is constructed and a lagcorrelationanalysis is used to infer basin-scale propagation speed. The fast eastward events inthe ERS-1 data are consistent with signals in station surface pressure and station profile dataquantified by Milliff and Madden and connected with first-baroclinic mode equatorial Kelvinwave propagation.