期刊名称:Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
摘要:A parameterization of subgridscale surface fluxes over the marginal sea ice zone which has beenused earlier in several studies is modified and applied to a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model.The new scheme accounts for the form drag of ice floes and is combined with a so-called fluxaveraging method for the determination of surface fluxes over inhomogeneous terrain. Individualfluxes over ice and water are calculated as a function of the blending height. It is shown bycomparison with observations that the drag coefficients calculated with the new parameterizationagree well with data. The original scheme strongly overestimates the form drag effect.An improvement is mainly obtained by an inclusion of stratification and by use of a moreadequate coefficient of resistance for individual ice floes. The mesoscale model is applied to officeflows over the polar marginal sea ice zone. The model results show that under certainmeteorological conditions the form drag can have a strong influence on the near-surface windvelocity and on the turbulent fluxes of momentum. Four case studies are carried out. Themaximum influence of form drag occurs in the case with strong unstable stratification and withwind oblique to the ice edge. Under these conditions the wind stress on sea ice is modified byat least 100% for ice concentrations less than 50% if form drag is taken into account.