摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine how individuals providing reference letters framed the task and the specific attributes used to describe applicants. Participants were letter writers (N=106) for accepted or alternate applicants. Participants received a brief anonymous survey and a return postcard to release their past letter for content analysis. Seventy-six percent of letter writers (N=81) returned a survey. Most (64%) intended to describe applicants' positive accomplishments. According to respondents' they were most likely to write about academic accomplishments (85%), work ethic (78%), dependability (70%) and motivation (70%). Seventy-four respondents (70%) released their letter for content analysis. Academic accomplishments (77%), motivation (41%) and leadership (41%) were the attributes most frequently mentioned in the letters. Most letter writers see their role as supportive rather than evaluative. Academic accomplishments, though often mentioned, are available from other sources. Many non-cognitive attributes of most interest to admissions committees are least likely to appear in reference letters.