摘要:Este trabajo revisa la implementación del dinero electrónico en Ecuador, único caso en el mundo de administración centralizada y con economía dolarizada. Además, examina si el dinero electrónico ha logrado penetrar en la población que presenta dificultades en el acceso a los servicios financieros públicos y privados, siendo desde lo teórico el principal objetivo de su uso. La metodología que se usó es descriptiva documental, cuyo objetivo fue revisar la normativa vigente para el uso de dinero electrónico, la plataforma tecnológica usada y los agentes partícipes del proceso, sin dejar.
其他摘要:This paper reviews the implementation of electronic money in Ecuador, a unique case in the world of centralized administration and with a dollarized economy. Also, examine if electronic money has managed to penetrate the population that presents difficulties in accessing public and private financial services, being from the theoretical the main objective of its use. The methodology used is a documentary description, whose objective was to review the current regulations for the use of electronic money, the technological platform used and the agents related to the process, without taking into account the evolution it had since September 2014. 2017 final term established for its massive use, this examination was done by provinces to individuals and legal entities that are conducting transactions with electronic money, tax benefits and transaction costs in search of a positive relationship. It was found that electronic money in Ecuador was not managed to bank in sectors of financial resources tailored to the average medical campaign and tax benefits delivered by the government for its use, finding serious questions in private agents and in business for your acceptance.