摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis pelarut dan kecepatan homogenizer terhadap karakteristik partikel katekin gambir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara katekin gambir dilarutkan dengan variasi pelarut air, etanol 20%, campuran etanol 20% dan etil asetat (perbandingan 1:10) dan kecepatan homogenizer 500; 1.500; 2.000; dan 2.500 rpm. Karakteristik partikel hasil perlakuan diuji menggunakan particle size analyzer (PSA) diperoleh hasil bervariasi antara 2.148-3.354 nm. Proses pengadukan dengan kecepatan 2500 rpm dapat memperkecil ukuran partikel (2.148 nm), secara visual dilihat dari tingkat kejernihan larutan yang dihasilkan. Peningkatan kecepatan homogenizer menyebabkan terjadi kerusakan senyawa katekin yang ditandai dengan perubahan warna menjadi coklat, ditunjukkan dengan penurunan kadar katekin dari 84,32% menjadi 75,91%. Sampel hasil perlakuan dikeringkan dengan spray dryer pada kondisi operasi suhu inlet 100 o C dan outlet 90 o C, tekanan vakum pada 15 Psi, terjadi penurunan ukuran partikel (209,45 nm). Sampel diuji menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM) menunjukkan morfologi katekin tidak simetris. Analisis ukuran partikel katekin dilanjutkan menggunakan software image-J dan diperoleh ukuran partikel antara 209,53-280,50 nm. ABSTRACT This study was aimed to determine the effect of solvent type and homogenizer speed on the particle characteristics of gambier catechins. The research was conducted by dissolving the gambir catechins with solvents variation of water, ethanol 20%, mixture of ethanol 20% and ethyl acetate (ratio 1:10) and homogenizer speed 500; 1,500; 2,000; and 2,500 rpm. The particle characteristics of the treatment were tested using a particle size analyzer (PSA) and obtained the results varied between 2,148-3,354 nm. The stirring process at a speed of 2500 rpm can reduce the particle size (2,148 nm), visually seen from the clarity level of the solution produced. Increasing the speed of the homogenizer caused damage to the catechin compound which was marked by a change in color became brown, indicated by a decrease in catechin content from 84.32% to 75.91%. The treated sample was dried with a spray dryer under operating conditions of inlet temperature 100 o C and outlet temperature 90 o C, vacuum pressure at 15 Psi particle size decreased (209.45 nm). Samples were tested using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed the symmetrical morphology of the catechins. The analysis of catechins particle size was continued using the image-J software and obtained the particle size between 209.53-280.50 nm.