摘要:The lack of the profit and loss sharing (PLS) financing or the domination of the Non-PLS financing, especially murabahah, is a global phenomenon in Islamic banks everywhere. This paper analyses the problem in Indonesia using Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology, preceeded with a focus group discussion (FGD) and an indepth interview with scholars and practitioners of Islamic banking to fully understand the problem and to develop an appropriate ANP network.The cause of this problem can be grouped into four aspects, namely 1) internal of the Islamic bank; 2) customer; 3) regulation; and 4) government and other institutions. This research finds that the cause of the lack of PLS financing of Islamic banks in Indonesia can be summed up into two main causes from internal and regulation aspects, namely the lack of understanding and quality of human resource (Islamic bankers) and the lack of supportive regulations. The suggested solution is to increase the understanding and the quality of human resource by setting the minimum budget for training and education, implementing the insentive or subsidy system, setting the minimum standard for managers of Islamic banks through periodical fit and proper test, conducting training for short term needs, and encouraging the establishment of Islamic economic and banking education institutions for long term needs. Other suggested solution is to give support through regulation by reviewing the non supporting regulation, such as the collectibility classification of PLS financing, and developing incentive system to increase PLS financing. Moreover, the most effective policy strategy to overcome the problems of Islamic banks is by implementing directed market driven strategy, where policies are intended to direct the development of Islamic banks to stay on its syariahtracks towards the desired development goals.