期刊名称:Teoría de la Educación: Revista Interuniversitaria
出版社:Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
摘要:&60;p&62;The study is in the framework of Education for Sustainability and, specifically, in the curriculum greening processes. In the first place, a conceptualization about curriculum greening is briefly presented following the &60;span&62;ACES&60;/span&62; model. In the second instance, the research is exposed. It is concretized in the analysis of the degree of curriculum greening in a training program aimed at education professionals. This training programme has been elaborated from the perspective of complexity and based on the proposal of Vector Idea and its spheres (conceptual, methodological, creative, and investigative). The research carried out has an interpretative approach and the participants were teachers who followed the training programme. The results allow obtain guidelines for the development of a training process in curriculum greening, coherent with the &60;span&62;ACES&60;/span&62; model, and with real impact on the participants. These orientations are based on the following ideas&58; credibility, cosmovision, conceptualization and action.
关键词:Educación para la Sostenibilidad; Ambientalización Curricular; complejidad; programa formativo; formación del profesorado; Idea Vector