摘要:The amount of contribution of SMEs to be balanced by a reception with great competitiveness.Innovation is a way of improving competitiveness.Contributions researchers and academics can be seenfrom innovations made through scientific publications. The government should provide incentives toresearchers who focus on the development of Indonesian SMEs to improve the nation's competitiveness.Due to budget constraints, the government needs to streamline and streamline the budget incentives forresearch related to SMEs Indonesia. In addition to seeing the productivity aspects of scientificpublications,is necessary to study the centrality of a writer/agency relationships in social networkanalysis co-authorship. In terms of productivity Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) become the mostproductive agencies to publish articles related to SMEs Indonesia.Judging from the social networkingaspect, the University of Indonesia became the central figure in scientific publications related to SMEsIndonesia. Thus,social network analysis co-authorship relations can be used as another aspect indetermining the actor/isntansi influential scientific publications related to SMEs in Indonesia.