摘要:The research on the analisis of information literacy skills of undergraduate students of UniversitasJenderal Soedirman by using standards of information literacy competency ACRL has been conducted.Itis aimed to know the literacy skill of undergraduate students of bacth 2014 and 2015.The skills includedetermination of the nature and scope of the required information; ability of access the informationneeded effectively and efficiently; evaluation of information and sources critically; capability of using theinformation to accomplish particular purposes; and understanding of economic,legal, and social aspectswhich are related to the use of information. This is a descriptive research with samples of undergraduatestudents of Unsoed as many as 334 students among 7,376 students. Thus, one variable analysis is used inorder to see the value of the central tendency and then tested by using the rate value. The results showedthat students’information literacy skills measuring by the standard information literacy competencystandards for higher education from ACRL are in the skilled category. Some standards need to beimproved, e.g, the competency standard in determination of the nature and scope of the informationwhich has the lowest score of 3,73.The others, the standard of competence to access informationeffectively and efficiently, with an average score of 3,88 as well as the competence standard to evaluatethe information and its sources,with an average score of 3,84 are also need to be improved.