摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Scientific Approach with Guided
Experiment on learning science to empower Science Process Skills. This study is a quasiexperimental research. The study design used Posttest Only Control Group Design is divided into
two groups: an experimental group using a Scientific Approach with Guided Experiment and
control groups using the method of lecture and discussion. The population in the study were all
students of class V SD SD N Banjarejo Academic Year 2016/2017 by the number of 122 students.
The sampling technique is cluster random sampling done by taking a sample of 37 fifth grade
students in the experimental class A and 36 students of class V C in the control class. The
instrument used was a questionnaire, observation sheets, interview and test. Data science process
skills were tested by t-test. The results of the analysis of hypothesis testing using t-test with
significance level of 5% yield significance at p = 0.000 and the value = 0.018. Classes that
implement Scieintific aproach with Guided Experiment has an average KPS higher than the class
without using Scieintific aproach with Guided Experiment in the amount of 82.34 and 71.14.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing can dismpulkan that Scieintific aproach with Guided
Experiment in empowering capabilities of Science Process Skills Student GradeV SD N Banjarejo
Madiun Academic Year 2016/2017.
关键词:Scientific Approach; Guided Experiment; Science Process Skills (SPS)