摘要:The performance of school teachers be one of the important factors in improving theschools quality. Certified teachers in Ibtidaiyah Elementary School of Muhammadiyah SudungBlora include planning and implementation of education quality development has been carriedout effectively and efficiently. It is characterized by the realization of the development of theimplementation of learning and learning outcomes in accordance with the vision and missionof the madrassa. support Factor in improving education quality management are 1) Availabilityof adequate learning media and support ongoing learning activities; 2) The interest andenthusiasm of students is increasing in participating in learning activities; 3) Preparation ofteachers in teaching is increasing; 4) The climate in the classroom learning environment moreconducive; 5) There is full support of the school community, society, and government; 6) Suppliedfacilities for picking up the students to and from school by teachers. Inhibiting factors inimproving the quality of education management in MI Muhammadiyah Sudung are 1) Lackof facilities to support the library and its contents; 2) Many teachers who are still miss match(not in accordance with the latest science education qualifications); 3) Lack of infrastructureeg. UKS room, and laboratory, so it is still a hard time in learning practices.