摘要:The article introduces new archival materials into scientific discourse, i. e., the service records of the identified prototypes of official authority figures in The House of the Dead by F. M. Dostoevsky. The archival documents provided an opportunity to fill in the gaps in the biographies of those who held military and medical posts during the writer’s Siberian exile: major Krivtsov, field engineer Gladyshev, head physician Troitsky and resident physician Lovchinsky. It also allowed us to see which of the officials’ traits were depicted in the novel’s characters. A number of events and details were revealed thanks to the memories of the exiled Pole Joseph Boguslavsky. Thus, the prototypical nature of the characters in The House of the Dead was clarified as new facts were revealed and the already known details were revised.
关键词:Достоевский; «Записки из Мертвого Дома»; образ начальника; образ
врача; национальный тип; Кривцов; Гладышев; Троицкий; Ловчинский; Богуславский;