期刊名称:Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriâ 18, Sociologiâ i Politologiâ
出版社:Publishing House of Lomonosov Moscow State University
摘要:The institutional context of labour market development synthesizes both direct impact factors (government regulation and relevant laws) and specific institutions — traditions, behavior stereotypes, and cultural features. The article compares several institutional aspects of the labour markets in Russia and Germany. The main feature of the Russian labour market is distinguished out: low unemployment rate and simultaneously very low wages. In fact, the most important incentive for Russians is the fear of losing their jobs and becoming unemployed. A significant factor of direct impact, determining the differences of these markets, is the amount of unemployment benefits. This factor is the reason for the presence or absence of parasitic attitudes in the society, in particular, among migrants staying in the country. The various models of market relations that have developed by this time in the two countries have determined the degree of market freedom from state influence. In general, in Germany, the market and employee-employer relations are more controlled by the state. At the same time in Russia the most important priority of the government agencies has become financial efficiency. It often comes into conflict with social efficiency, and sometimes with common sense. The institutional context of the labour market is formed not only by the market itself and the bodies regulating it. It is influenced by socio-economic and cultural phenomena associated with different spheres of life. In this regard, the authors focused on the pre-school institutions’ availability and operation mode, as well as on the degree of state support for small businesses.
关键词:институциональный контекст;институциональные факторы;институции;рынок труда;пособия по безработице;длительная безработица;фиктивная безработица;миграция;малый бизнес;дошкольные учреждения