摘要:The authors publish archaeological fi ndings from the Unorozh hillfort (Galich District, Kostroma Oblast, Russian Federation), which belongs to the Finno-Ugric antiquities. This multi-layered site occupies special place among other settlements found in Kostroma Volga Region and has a rich history embracing many chronological stages and cultural contexts (Mesolithic – 7000 BC, early Iron Age – 1000 BC, fi rst centuries AD, Middle Ages and the New time – 9th – 11th, 12th – 14th, 15th –18th centuries). The dig of 2014 yielded some materials, which defi ne cultural features of the site in the Early Iron Age; two wooden buildings of the 10th – 11th centuries were investigated, traces of the Early Medieval ironwork production were fi xed, burials of the ground necropolis of the 13th – 14th centuries were studied, a rich collection of artefacts was collected to witness participation of the local population in the international fur trade in the 9th – 11th centuries.
关键词:archaeology;Volga Area at Kostroma;Early Iron Age;Early Middle Ages;Finno-Ugrians;settlement;necropolis;