摘要:The publication covers the studies conducted in the territory of the Bolghar fortified settlement site and the island of Sviyazhsk in the framework of the complex project “Cultural heritage: the island-fortress of Sviyazhsk and ancient Bolghar” realization. Besides cultural resource management measures aimed at preserving these cultural heritage sites and establishing a modern museum and tourist infrastructure, comprehensive archaeological and natural science investigations have also been conducted. Archaeological excavations are accompanied by selection of samples necessary to reconstruct the paleoecology and handicraft items production technologies. Anthropogenetic studies of the medieval population are underway. Geophysical and aerospace methods are used that allow localizing monumental stone structures without damage. Modern high-precision techniques of fixation by means of applying positioning and photogrammetric systems that make it possible to create 3D reconstructions are being actively instilled. The results of these studies have been discussed at annual scientific workshops held since 2011.
关键词:the Middle Volga region;medieval urban settlements;the Bolghar fortifies settlement site;the island-fortress of Sviyazhsk;cultural heritage object;natural science research;scientific seminar;