摘要:The article features an analysis of the Neolithic portion of the Gulyukovo I site – a multilayer monument of the Neolithic and Late Bronze Age periods. The Neolithic ceramics discovered at the site is classified into three groups: comb ceramics of the Kama culture, spindle ceramics of the Tatar-Azibey type, and ceramics with notches (toothed ceramics) dating back to various time periods throughout the entire Neolithic. As a result of a comparing these types of ceramics with similar materials from the Neolithic sites of the Kama region and the Ik and Belaya interfluves area, the authors concluded that they correspond to the late Neolithitic period. At the same time, the comb ceramic complex from the Gulyukovo I site presumably dates back to the early Levshino stage of the Kama culture – middle or third quarter of 5th millennium B.C., which is evidenced by a series of similar features determined after the dating value was adjusted. The authors suppose that the complex of spindle ceramics of the Tatar-Azibey type corresponds to a later chronological period. On the basis of its analogies it can be dated late 5th – early 4th millennia B.C. after the adjustment.
关键词:archaeology;Ik and Belaya interfluve;the Neolithic;the Kama culture;Levshino stage;Tatar-Azibey type of monuments;ceramics;ornamentation;