摘要:The standard and complexity of nurse job tend to create heavy burden for
nurses in performing nursing duties. The current study aimed to examine the influence of
social support from supervisors and co-workers towards the resilient self-efficacy of
psychiatric hospital nurses. The participants were 70 psychiatric hospital nurses in
Surabaya. The study used Social Support Scale and Resilient Self-efficacy Scale. Multiple
linear regression analysis showed that supervisor and co-worker support simultaneously
had a significant influence on psychiatric hospital nurses’ resilient self-efficacy (F = 32.837;
p<0.05) with contribution of 35% (R2 = 0.3528). Hypothesis testing showed that when
given separately, supervisor social support did not influence psychiatric hospital nurses’
resilient self-efficacy (r=0.089; p > 0.05). However, co-worker social support significantly
influenced psychiatric hospital nurses’ resilient self-efficacy even when given separately
(r=0.558; p < 0.05). This study concluded that compared with supervisor social support,
co-worker social support significantly influenced psychiatric hospital nurses’ resilient selfefficacy.
关键词:co-worker social support; psychiatric hospital nurse; resilient self-efficacy; supervisor social support