摘要:Total suspended solid (TSS) is one of the parameters that uses for detecting health in aquatic environments. The distribution of the TSS value in the water body will affect the aquatic ecosystem. In this research will be analyzed the distribution value of TSS during 5 year period by utilizing Landsat 8 satellite image data, where the developed method is extraction of reflectance value from Landsat 8 satellite image for 5 years using SEADASS and then compiled the TSS algorithm with reflectance value that already obtained on the existing conditions, the algorithm obtained is estimated over 5 years back to get a picture of change and distribution of TSS value. As a case study , the coast of Ujung Pangkah Gresik was taken which has the mouth of the river Bengawan Solo. The results obtained from this study illustrate the decrease of TSS value during that time period, so that with this decrease can be concluded that at the point of field coordinate, TSS value was decreasing and causing the erosion in the environment.
关键词:Coastal; Landsat Satellite; Reflectance Value; Total Suspended Solis