标题:PERANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DALAM1VIENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA MASYARAKAT: Survei pada Perpustakaan Umum Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan =THE ROLE OF THE LIBRARY IN IMPROVING THE READING HABIT OF SOCIETY :Survey at public library of South Jakarta district
摘要:Library has social and education functions. The existence of South Jakarta public library cannot be separated
from these functions. On the other hand, the reading habit of people need to be improved. The problems to be investigated
thus center on the role of the public library in improving the reading habit of society.
This research tries to explore the role of public library in improving the reading habit of society. In compliance
with survey method emphazising on descriptive analysis, this research studies 232 respondents. The result of the study
indicates that statistically significant influences apply on the role of public library in improving the reading habit : for
each variables (X,) 0.022<0.05, (X,) 0.01 <0.05 and (X,) 0.03 <0.05) or in composite (X,) (X,)and (X3) with a(0.00)<0.05).
In general, by using whole result hypothetic mean (µ) and hypothetic standard deviation (a) this indicates that
library collection (X,) is (48.28%), library promotion (X,) is (59.48) and library service quality (X) is (50.43%). and
also the reading habit of society (Y) is 41,81 %. These mean that the collection, promotion and service quality of the
library is important elements for the library to increase the reading habit of society.
关键词:Library; library collection; library promotion; library service quality; reading habit of society