摘要:Introduction. Strategies of Deep Acting and Surface Acting using Emotional Labor in library services have been conducted. The study aims to examine the effect of Emotional Labor on library user satisfaction mediated by Customer-Employee Rapport.Method. There were 86 participants involved in this experimental study. They were undergraduate students in Makassar who were asked to watch the video related to library services by using Deep Acting or Surface Acting strategies.Data Analysis. Hypothesis were examined by using Hayes Process analysis to understand the mediation model.Results and Discussions. Emotional Labor strategy was found to have a relationship to customer satisfaction through Customer-Employee Rapport mediation. Emotional labor strategy was found to have directly affected customer satisfaction and Customer-Employee Rapport. The librarians applied Deep Acting strategy to enhance customer satisfaction and customer-employee rapport was found to be more effective compared to Surface Acting. The librarians’ emotional expression in deep acting enables them to transform the positive emotion between librarians and users, thus, it improves good relationships and customer satisfaction.Conclusion. The librarians’ emotional labor strategies effect on library user satisfaction with customer-employee rapport as the mediation variable. Future research should discuss another library experiment based on gender perspectives.
关键词:emotional labor; customer employee rapport; deep acting; surface acting; library user satisfaction.