摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the Communication Strategy Policy on the Protection and Management of Natural Resources and Environment based on local knowledge that can be applied in Tasikmalaya district and can be used as an alternative model of communication policies based on local wisdom.The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach.Object of research is natural, or natural setting, The data collection techniques used in this study are: observation, interview and literature then Informants selected purposively composed of six (6) persons, namely: Head Section of Supervision Department of Mines and Energy Tasikmalaya District , cultural leaders, community residents, the Village Head Sindangkerta, iron sand material Entrepreneur and Chairman of RT.01 RW 01 Sindangkerta Cipatujah village.The conclusion is communication policies that do not integrate with the local knowledge and the existence of traditional media in the society is not used to convey the message policies so that policy implementation does not run optimally in accordance with the purpose of government is needed communication strategy policy based on local wisdom in resolving implementation issues iron sand mining policy that is happening today in Tasikmalaya.
关键词:strategi komunikasi kebijakan;kearifan lokal;Lingkungan hidup