摘要:Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan arbitrase asing di pengadilan Indonesia. Dengan berbasis pada penelitian hukum, penelitian diharapkan akan menjawab pengakuan dan pelaksanaan keputusan arbritase asing tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecualian terhadap ketertiban umum ditemukan dalam Pasal V Paragraph 2 angka (b) Konvensi New York 1958 tentang Pengakuan dan Pelaksanaan Keputusan Arbitrase Asing. Konvensi menentukan bahwa pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase dapat ditolak apabila kemudian ditemukan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan tersebut melanggar ketentuan ketertiban umum di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, Konvensi tidak memberikan pengertian secara jelas tentang ketertiban umum, hal ini diserahkan kepada masing-masing negara peserta konvensi. Berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, konsep ketertiban umum yang diterapkan di Indonesia diinterpretasi secara luas dan domestik.The Implementation of Public Order Principle on Foreign Arbitral Awards in Indonesia This study aims to answer the interpretation and implementation of public order principle on foreign arbitral awards in Indonesian courts. Based on legal research, it is expected to answer the recognition and implementation of foreign arbitral awards. The results show that the exception to public order is found in Article V Paragraph 2 Number (b) of the 1958 New York Convention concerning the Recognition and Implementation of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The Convention stipulates that the recognition and implementation of an arbitral award can be rejected if later found that the recognition and implementation of the award violates the provisions of public order in the concerned country. However, the Convention does not provide a clear conception of public order, this is submitted to the respective countries participating in the convention. Based on a court decisions, the concept of public order applied in Indonesia was interpreted widely and domestically.
关键词:asas ketertiban umum; arbritase asing; hukum indonesia; public order principle; foreign arbitration; indonesian law.