摘要:Lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan bagian rezim hak cipta dan termasuk dalam ekspresi budaya tradisional masyarakat Aceh, kekayaan dan identitas bangsa. Untuk memajukan lagu-lagu tradisonal sebagai bagian kebudayaan Aceh, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui perlin-dungan, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pembinaan untuk mewu-judkan masyarakat Aceh yang berdaulat secara politik, berdikari secara ekonomi, dan berkepribadian dalam Kebudayaan. Hal lainnya, lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan hak milik yang dapat beralih melalui warisan. Dalam praktiknya ahli waris pencipta lagu-lagu Aceh tidak memahami dan belum mendapatkan hak ekonominya sebagai-mana diatur dalam Pasal 16 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Budaya masyarakat komunal berbeda pandang dengan filosofi konsep hak kekayaan Intelektual, bersifat eksklusif monopoli, dan lemahnya implementasi penegakan hukum hak cipta merupakan persoalan yang harus mendapat perhatian pemerintah di Aceh dalam melestarikan budaya tradisonalnya. Tujuan penulisan menjelaskan perlindungan hukum terhadap lagu tradisional Aceh yang merupakan ekspresi budaya tradisional, menjelaskan perlindungan kepada ahli waris pencipta lagu Aceh melalui warisan menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta, Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, dan Hukum Islam menjelaskan kendala pengalihan pencipta hak ekonomi lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh melalui warisan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama, atau yang disebut penelitian yuridis normatif yang menguji norma hukum sebagai objek penelitian. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan hukum komparatif. Tulisannya disajikan dalam bentuk analisis deskriptif.Aceh Traditional Cultural Expression and Its Inheritance Model Traditional Acehnese songs which are part of the copyright regimes are one part of the expression of traditional Acehnese culture, wealth and national identity. The promotion of Acehnese culture through traditional songs requires a strategic step through protection, development, utilization, and coaching to realize an Acehnese society that is politically sovereign, economically independent, and has a personality in culture. Other things Traditional Aceh songs are property rights that can be transferred through inheritance. In practice the heirs of Acehnese songs creators do not understand and obtain economic rights from the commercial use of Acehnese songs as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The communal society's culture is different from the philosophy of the concept of intellectual property rights that is exclusively monopoly and the weak implementation of copyright law enforcement is an issue that must be gotten the attention of the government, especially in Aceh to preserve the traditional Acehnese culture which is the expression of its people. The purpose of writing is to explain the legal protection of traditional Acehnese songs which are expressions of Acehnese cultural identity, explain the protection to the heirs of the creators of Aceh songs through inheritance according to the 2014 UUHC, the Civil Code and Islamic Law and explain what constitutes obstacles to the transfer of rights economic creator of traditional Acehnese songs through inheritance. This type of research uses secondary data as the main data, or so-called normative juridical research that tests legal norms as the object of research. The approach used is the conceptual approach and comparative legal approach. This writing is presented in the form of descriptive analysis.
关键词:ekspresi budaya tradisional; lagu Aceh; perlindungan hukum; pewarisan; expressions of traditional cultural; Acehnese songs; legal protection; inheritance.